100DaysOfCode Day 4

What did I code today?


Build a Resume for About Page with JSON Resume


The Challenge

JSON Resume has certain fixed theme when published in HTML, so I need to modify its design manually to suit my needs. From HTML to PDF still requires some further steps since I need the customization.

Minor Issue

As I have started to use WakaTime to track my coding time & understand my pratice patterns for various languages & disciplines, I attempted to install the plugin for C9.io However, it was an unsolved bug for some time, regarding connecting C9.io to wakatime. I’m really intersted to solve this bug, so intend to head over to the wakatie community and hopefully figure it out.

How did I tackle this?

For JSON Resume, I followed the manual installation instructions in the JSONResume/resume-cli repo. Then, I changed the JSON data with my particulars, and export it as the html. The html still seems a bit daunting to customize for now, but I should be ok working with it.

For the wakatime installation in c9.io, I’ve followed @alanhamlett’s manual instruction.

Was it solved?

Both the challenge & issues are basically solved.

What did I learn?

Not much today actually, just some simple settings & json manipulation

What else should I try next (or next time)?

Finish up my JSON Resume design customization

What did I help others with today?

Nothing again :(

How do I think/feel about that?


Written on February 7, 2017