180DaysOfNeuroscience Day 1
What is 180 Days of Neuroscience (180DoN)?
Based on the Quora answer by Mr. Thia Kaixin about becoming a datascientist without a PhD, I have decided to apply his 66 mini-hell formula as described on today’s 180DoDS blog post to gauge my interest in Neuroscience.
What did I learn today?
I’ve finished the tutorial of BN4402 Electrophysiology for this week today. It was really hard …
Frontiers in NeuroEngineering
I have rewatched the video from Prof X, Hebrews U, … and noted down the key advances in neuroengineering Today, I hope to write 2 reviews, one on the development history and the onther on latest updates on these 5 topics. So, I started with outlining & gathering refences for the history post first.
What else should I try next (or next time)?
Connect the dots, visualize & present the history post engagingly.
What was my community participation today?
The reviews will be shared with NUS Neuro Interest Blog